LSD guru Timothy Leary’s ashes carried in a Burning Man ceremony by Susan Sarandon

… does that headline read like an Onion article?

Susan Sarandon carried LSD guru Timothy Leary’s ashes in a Burning Man ceremony

BLACK ROCK DESERT, Nev. — Timothy Leary, the late father of LSD, was memorialized at Burning Man after a fantastic procession and burning of his ashes in the Black Rock Desert.

It was a spectacle that not even he probably could have imagined, as actress Susan Sarandon led a march with his ashes into a temporary church built as an art installation in the desert for the week-long festival.

The church was scheduled to burn as part of the event on Saturday after the “man”, a giant wooden structure, burned.

“I think he’d be so happy. I think he would have loved the chaos (of Burning Man). He would have loved it,” said Sarandon, one of Leary’s closest friends. “And all these people honoring him with LSD.”

Timothy Leary, the late father of LSD, was memorialized at Burning Man after a fantastic procession and burning of his ashes this week in the Black Rock Desert.

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Source: Susan Sarandon carried LSD guru Timothy Leary’s ashes in a Burning Man ceremony

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